PuzzleTrails the healthy alternative....
Achieve amazing health benefits in just 25mins a day!
Cuts premature death by 30%. Reduces risk of dying from cancer post diagnosis by 50%. Can reverse effects of dementia. Reduces risk of stroke by 25%. Can reduce risk of coronary heart disease by 18%. Big stats..... What is this miracle? Hippocrates realised that is was "man's best medicine" over 2000 years ago! READ HERE for the full story on this amazingly simple solution.
Active Kids Have Healthier Brains!
New study published recently in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise confirms a link between exercise in kids and brain health. Got a test coming?....maybe it is a good time to and do a PuzzleTrail?? Read the full article here
Why our children need nature so much!
In the article below, Richard Louv, author of many books on the topic, including "The Nature Principle" and co-founder of the "Children & Nature Network" explores why the connection between children and nature is so important. READ MORE
"Plastic shrubs & fake grass just won't cut it!"
Mounting evidence links increasing childhood shortsightedness with lack of real outdoor time. This article explored the issue of childcare centres that are swapping real outdoor space for 'fake outdoors' ... READ MORE
"Turn it off, please!" - dealing with "Techno-Tantrum"
You may know the scene....when your otherwise well-adjusted child has a meltdown when we ask for our smartphone to be handed over, or the TV to be switched off. Loved this article from KidsHealthAustralia for its explanation of the causes and selection of practical tips to help you and your child manage the effect. READ HERE