PuzzleTrails the healthy alternative.... — Benefits of outdoors
Our kids are more likely to be short sighted than us!
According to the latest Canadian study, myopia or nearsightedness has increased from 6% to 28.9% for children between the ages of 6 and 13. A significant amount of this can be contributed to too many hours spent looking at close objects [read...phones, ipads, laptops!] with limited breaks for long distance work. Historically, school-time required alternating bouts of reading from books and reading from the board. Recess was pure outdoor time, with your vision focused more distantly. With increased screen based classroom work plus social media and gaming predominating extra-curricular time, it is not unusual for our children to have 6+ hours of...
Is screen time sabotaging your child's sleep?
Are you getting enough family time together?
Busy lives....hectic schedules..too many lists and inboxes....it is easy to find yourselves with very little quality family time together. Here are 10 things families do to stay connected Download a PuzzleTrail today, go have some sleuthing fun and tick of #3 and #4!
Let's get walking!
6 less often talked about reasons for getting out walking! READ this short article ...and get those shoes on :)
10 Reasons to Get Outdoors
Lifestyles are more stressed... Yet more time is sedentary and on screens... Need a reminder of why getting outdoors does you so much good? READ HERE for 10 good reasons, then DOWNLOAD a PuzzleTrail today and plan that fun family time out!